Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rob's Revised Stuff

Hello so it looks like i might not be making it to class on Monday, out of town sorry. But ive been hard at work on my project and would love some feedback, good or bad.

Here is a link to an Html of the revised script and characters. Disregard the last part as that is just a shot list for my personal benefit.

Here is a rough edit of the first scene, i had to use a friend of mine for the character of Jack when my actor in mind had some health issues. But i feel he did a really good job, but again please tell me what you think, i know its hard to tell some of the images because of the crappy youtube quality.

So if you could give me any thoughts or opinions that would be helpful since im going to hopefully finish shooting by the 5.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It wasn't his last words, theres no black dot on that piece of paper in my pocket, so "Shit" there is only one way to go, and the door is already open, so all you need to do is close it and go on your way................

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am working on my journey of getting to know who my Father was, and who I am as a person because of him. I've been bouncing ideas back and forth between my animation teacher and she has come up with a few creative ideas in which to help the transition from live footage to the animation portion. Her creative input has helped me with this project tremendously and we were both tossing around the idea of creating a full size cut out of the character that I have been drawing. He could be in scenes where there needs to be filling. Such as at the graveyard, there could be a static shot of the charachacher of my father standing next to a tree...and the symbolism would be that my father is on this journey with me, and it would almost give the viewer a better idea of what is being shown/created at the end of the film with the final amination...which is starting to feel as though I'm animating his life or all the important aspects of it, i.e guitar playing, fishing, basketball playing, meeting my mom, having me, passing, etc.
Let me know what people think of teacher has stated there have been many films where animation can carry throughout the film. I did emphasize to her that I don't want it to take away the emotional journey that I'm going through, but when she described to me as putting it in the static shots it started to make sense to me.
Lemme know what people think, and I'll try to get a visual of some sorts up here soon!
Mike PG

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This is a link to the clip of my first interview with Fransisco, a poverty-stricken man from Milwaukee. I want my film to be about the homeless and the poor as people themselves, not just overlooked objects on the street. My goal is to create an awareness surrounding the homeless and poor, and also get to know some of them. There are intelligent people out there who just need a boost. Francisco, for example, is a Doctor of Law. I want to show that the homeless and the poor have more in common with me as I would like to think.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Charlie's Project

Some Vlog Clips
Hosted at Pantherfile:

Again your ePanther login is required. Sorry about the extra security, if it is really a problem. I can make it open.

Exploration of my experiences with being labeled positive from a health clinic worker. Exploration by reliving, telling, and recreation attempts.

Need to use your epanther login to view clip.

Edit: When I see the blackness - it reminds me of this project I did in 07.

Ciara's Project

I am working on a documentary/portrait of my 10-year-old brother with Asberger's Syndrome.
I want to show how he is, how he deals, and who he is because of it.

So, I shot on Friday at Alex's school, only half knowing what to expect. When we got there, it was a lot more intense than I imagined, and I was really affected by it. Alex sits at a table by himself everyday at lunch, and really doesn't ever "play" with any other kids. He's been bullied enough , and has made the decision for himself that he is better off just sitting alone. From free time in the classroom, to recess, to lunch, he really doesn't interact with anyone, and is okay with that.

Nickel Nuggets!

EDIT: The synopsis of my project is an informative documentary taking a lighthearted approach in researching fueling diesel motors on vegetable oil. I will look at biodiesel, as well, as different blends include veggie oil, but I'm more interested in the process of installing the fuel kit in the car, collecting, filtering, and pumping the grease, and the momentous event of flipping the switch from regular diesel to veggie oil while driving. Following the structural and basis story of my friend Orman receiving and installing his kit, I will interject stories and segments of other users, even those against the idea and lawmakers who are active with alternative fuels.

So here's approximately 3 times the length required, only because it completes the tour and doesn't leave you hanging. Michael Nicholson of Glass Nickel Pizza in Madison gives us a quick tour of the 'magic' of the oil leaving the fryer in the kitchen and running to the basement to the fuel lab. From there it gets filtered and pumped outside to the cars, but that's for the longer cut. In the final edit I will have cutaways and close-ups of the process, as well.

EDIT: Just returned from Decatur, IL where I spent a couple days with the Wetzels getting Dave's great story. Thats to come, but just a little lesson I learned is that you always keep the camera rolling. While Dave left the room to get more photos, his wife, Eileen, suddenly began waxing poetic in some ancient muse and I got it all. No, it's nothing powerful, but touching in the sense that there was a story within the story. Click below to watch.

Ok, time for bed, again.

Robyn's Project

To all that are interested,
This is a rough cut of the first two scenes of my senior project. I have not done anything to the sound so in some parts it cuts out.  Also, I will not be using the specific songs on the radio bit but they are there to give an idea of what it will be like. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

There are 950,000 strangers living in Milwaukee, each with his or her own story. My project attempts to examine the relationships of 5 of those strangers and expose some intimacies of the human condition.

Here are four shots from my project. The first one is the shot that inspired the project. The second and third were the second two shots I came up with for the project, and the fourth is an example of the tension and subtlety that will plague a lot of the video.

Jonah's Project POISONVILLE

Poisonville is a narrative short. A portrait of an ambiguous urban landscape and the people in it. Poisonville will be driven by a narrative thread that focuses on 3 friends Jeff, Oogie, and Goose. The narrative thread will be separated by short vignettes exploring the landscape and other people who inhabit Poisonville. Visual ispirations for the locations are zones of exclusion and graffiti.

here is a link to a blog i made for my film. My hope is that this place will help document the making of my new film 'POISONVILLE' ... A mix of production photos, clips, future locations, script pieces, and other things.

Ken's Project

In my project I want to blend the real with the artificial in the way I animate and use sound. Though the animation is often crude and unrealistic, I'm hoping to create an interesting balance between that aspect and realistic "camera" movements and soundscape.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A carachter driven narrative, set in the very beginnings of a post apocalyptic age. Dealing with the personal transition of the character, from doubt and fear, of what has become of the world and its inhabitants, to acceptance of the events that have transpired and lead him running scared and alone. A transition from fear to hope.

I have no video to show, because I have not shot anything yet as we have discussed in class. However I am shooting at this very moment, at least probably while you are reading this. When I do get my film back from the lab I will post something immediately.

I have taken into consideration your advice on a precious item that is of no use to the character. Using a necklace and glasses (not sunglasses) that are each from the old couple that took him in, his only family. These items will visually help in his transition from fear to hope. An idea of leaving the past behind, but not forgetting it.

I am shooting the beginning scenes; before his stuff is stolen or up to that point. Sticking with the same story line, but only as a sort of outline. Adding to what is in that initial story to fully develop the character. Focusing on the small things he does that make him who he is as well as defines his state of mind. My plan is to cover each scene as much as possible in attempts to bring him to life.

the creation of popular heroes

working thesis:
Our heroes are celebrities, sports figures, and politicians, but they are also our parents, our friends, and our community leaders. Clearly these people are very different from one another. Are they all heroes? What even constitutes a hero?

I started playing with the images I have shot and collected, as well as sound. This, obviously, is a really rough example, but I hope it provides some insight.

Below is another project I did using pop culture imagery--

My Lucky Affair with Vanity (2008)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jason's project

the above is a link to some footage. enjoy!

We are trapped in repetitions and systems. Manipulated, shamed and worked to death by confusing lords from generation to the next. Can we escape or break the cycle? Not Solomon.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Morgan's Senior Project

My senior project is a carved animation about development using the Aztec creation myths known as the Five Suns.
Here is the drawn animation for the first section.

Rob's Senior Project

My senior project is a modern day fairy tale that deals with themes, morals and characters found in many fables.

Below is a youtube link to a rough edit of a scene that i shot this week.