Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A carachter driven narrative, set in the very beginnings of a post apocalyptic age. Dealing with the personal transition of the character, from doubt and fear, of what has become of the world and its inhabitants, to acceptance of the events that have transpired and lead him running scared and alone. A transition from fear to hope.

I have no video to show, because I have not shot anything yet as we have discussed in class. However I am shooting at this very moment, at least probably while you are reading this. When I do get my film back from the lab I will post something immediately.

I have taken into consideration your advice on a precious item that is of no use to the character. Using a necklace and glasses (not sunglasses) that are each from the old couple that took him in, his only family. These items will visually help in his transition from fear to hope. An idea of leaving the past behind, but not forgetting it.

I am shooting the beginning scenes; before his stuff is stolen or up to that point. Sticking with the same story line, but only as a sort of outline. Adding to what is in that initial story to fully develop the character. Focusing on the small things he does that make him who he is as well as defines his state of mind. My plan is to cover each scene as much as possible in attempts to bring him to life.


Robyn said...

Because you haven't shot yet it is hard to give advice or criticism, however I think you have a clear sense of how you want this to look and feel. The challenge is creating a story out of those tones.

I think you are on the right track with the glasses and necklace. I think you need to be very subtle with them though. Also, your actor needs to be spot on. We have to really care about him.

Good luck with your shooting.

Anonymous said...

not to parrot robyn too much, but yes, your piece is completely dependant on A) your character and B)the world he lives in. we need to care about him, and to have a strong sense of the isolation, losses and gains, and basic survival technique he employs to stay alive and sane. that is what interests me about your project the most.

Taskmaster said...

Good comments, Robyn and James. I'm proud of this class and its general power of insight.