Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the creation of popular heroes

working thesis:
Our heroes are celebrities, sports figures, and politicians, but they are also our parents, our friends, and our community leaders. Clearly these people are very different from one another. Are they all heroes? What even constitutes a hero?

I started playing with the images I have shot and collected, as well as sound. This, obviously, is a really rough example, but I hope it provides some insight.

Below is another project I did using pop culture imagery--

My Lucky Affair with Vanity (2008)


Anonymous said...

seeing this clip really helped me understand a little more about the direction you are taking this. i didn't understand the sound, but i did like the double image of your mother and wonder woman. i found myself drifting between attentions to the two images, naturally sparking a question of their relationship and commonality/differences.

Melissa C. said...

yeah I agree about the sound. I would not use it as is. I mainly put it in there to illustrate the point that I would manipulate and mash up the sound in the final product. The soundscape would not be just an audio clip so.

Charles Kerry Perkins said...

Seeing the edit also gives me a reference of how you plan to take the project. I think it was great to see the dueling images mashed together. I wonder about how to work the sound tho - meaning the soundscape as a whole, do you have any sample of that?
Well, I found the aricle about Obama's grandmother. Here the line that caught my eye: Obama remembered her as "one of those quiet heroes we have across America, who aren't famous ... but each and every day they work hard. They look after their families. They look after their children and their grandchildren."

I like that term about quite heroes because that what I think about your mother and father. Great job on the smash up.

Rob M said...

I really like the way you layered the images of you mom and wonder woman. It was a nice duality, common work with that of the superwoman character. If you take a more creative approach like this to all your scenes you will have something that is really unlike anything i have seen. So i guess all i would say is take more chances like this and through editing find an arch that is engaging, which you seem to be on the right track in doing so.

Rongstad said...

Nice creative process. I can see how you don't really need to be too literal with this kind of process. My only advice is to keep gathering. The more options you have, the better your project can be.