Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ken's Project

In my project I want to blend the real with the artificial in the way I animate and use sound. Though the animation is often crude and unrealistic, I'm hoping to create an interesting balance between that aspect and realistic "camera" movements and soundscape.


Melissa C. said...

Couldn't view your clip. Must be something to do with Pantherfile permissions.

Ken Olson said...

Hmm...maybe I didn't do it right. I can try's the same stuff I showed in class on Monday, for those of you who were there.

Rob M said...

I also couldn't open your file, but i do have to say that i really enjoyed what you showed in class and are on track to make a clever and rather unusual piece that i think will be really successful. But i do believe that you should use the narration since i think it will add to the clever almost dare i say Eore, Donkey from Winnie the Pooh, nature of this character. And if you could let me borrow those films you left a comment about on Monday that would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Ultimately it's your decision on the narration, but I'm still sold on you including it. I'm not saying the film needs it as it stands on its own, but it would add just that much more. Like I said during your presentation, your story is strong enough to carry the film, but a narration as a supplement would bring everything together.

Taskmaster said...

Ken. Your link isn't working. Did you try to copy and paste this link before publishing it?

Ciara Hoppe said...

Ken- why don't I have "permission to view this page"? what's your deal? i thought we were friends.

Taskmaster said...

Let's try this again on Thursday.