Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Morgan's Senior Project

My senior project is a carved animation about development using the Aztec creation myths known as the Five Suns.
Here is the drawn animation for the first section.


Anonymous said...

While i share the disappointment of you not using the carved blocks, i also understand your reasons for not pursuing it. Your animations look good, true to the source material. Other than the animation of the story, what other methods will you use to establish the separation of the cycles? How will we as an audience be initially placed in this story world?

Rob M said...

I really enjoyed this short clip and if you use the right colors and paper you will have a pleasing aesthetic that should immediately make your audience think of ancient times. I would try to experiment with other ways of telling this story, maybe by use of landscapes or something, i don't know. But more importantly the sound you use will be really crucial, whether its rythmic drum beats or naturalistic sound.

Robyn said...

Now that you are not doing the carvings are you going to make the animation less crude, so to speak? I think it would benefit much from more landscape as rob suggested and fluid motion. I think if this were a stunning and engaging work your passion for the Aztec would really come across. I feel it should be vibrant now that you are not confined to the stone colors of the carvings. However, I really like that you are trying to draw in the Aztec style. Your jaguar looks awesome.

Also, are you still focusing on one myth or are you doing all 5? Either way, make sure that the story is clear and engaging.